How to make your hair grow faster

How to make your hair grow faster

8 ways to make hair grow faster and longer

Have you ever cut your hair and instantly regretted it? Or maybe you see someone with long beautiful hair and suddenly can’t wait for your hair to be long again?

You take out your phone and google “How to make your hair grow faster” Only to realize your hair won’t grow 5 inches overnight.

Well long and healthy. There’s no point in having Rapunzel hair if it’s dry, brittle, with split ends from the shoulder down.

Long hair doesn’t = healthy hair, but healthy hair can = long hair.

Growing out your hair takes time, in fact, it only grows between a quarter-inch and a half an inch a month according to Byrdie.

Although how fast your hair grows depends on your hair health. Just because it can grow that much, it doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to.

Down below I’ll explain how to make your hair grow faster and healthier and how to keep all of your “new” hair.


Get frequent trims

Exfoliate your scalp

Give yourself a scalp massage

How to perform a scalp massage

Don’t bleach your hair

Avoid heating tools

Be careful how you brush your hair

Don’t wash your hair every day

Take your vitamins


#1 Get frequent trims to make your hair grow faster.

do trims help hair grow

You might be thinking that if hair grows from the scalp then how does cutting my split ends make your hair grow faster.

Well if you have damaged hair with split ends, those split ends will only grow higher and higher resulting in thing brittle hair.

At some point when you do decide to go for that haircut to get rid of all those split ends, your hair won’t be anywhere the length you want it to be.

By getting your hair trimmed every few months then you are only getting rid of the damage, and only getting rid of very little of your hair containing the majority of your length.

If you have longer hair you are more susceptible to breakage and split ends, so you’ll need to get a trim every 8 weeks.

If you have healthy hair then you can get a trim every 3-4 months. Don’t have healthy hair? then do these 3 tips to change that.

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Guide to grow your hair long

#2 Exfoliate your scalp to grow your hair fast and naturally

I mentioned earlier that our hair grows about half an inch per month, but if you see your hair has been the same length since last year, then maybe you aren’t producing new hair.

I have the Heeta scalp massage and its awesome. It is lightweight and it isn’t rough on my scalp.

What I am saying is that your follicles may be plugged with product buildup and excess sebum that no new hair is coming out.

Simply washing your hair is not enough to unclog your follicles, just like washing your face does nothing to unclog your pores.

If you want your hair to grow faster then try exfoliating your scalp 1-2 times a week. Here are a few ways to do it.

My hair gets super clean without ruining my nails whenever I do paint them. It is super easy to get rid of product build up with my scalp massager.

Shop the Scalp massagers

#3 Give yourself a scalp massage for hair growth

Try giving your scalp a massage once in a while. Not only does it feel aaaamazing it does wonders for your hair.

Did you know that by massaging your scalp it increases the production of serotonin? This lifts your mood and helps with stress according to huffpost.

By massaging your scalp you are increasing the blood flow to your scalp which helps strengthen your roots and help nutrients get to your hair follicle faster according to Byrdie.

You can also buy a bore bristle brush to help distribute your hair’s natural oils giving your hair a natural shine and moisture.

I have the Bestool bore bristle brush. and it is a very inexpensive brush that does a great job of distributing your natural oils.

Even if you do buy the brush, don’t skip the massage since it really does feel sooo relaxing.

Shop the hair brushes

How to perform a scalp massage

There are 2 types of scalp massages. Whichever you decide to do you should start at the front of the scalp and work back with gentle but firm pressure.

1. you can massage your scalp by performing circular motions or 2. by gently kneading and lifting the scalp.

Whichever you do this should be done about twice a week for 5-10 minutes. You should read this post by huffpost which goes into much more detail in how to perform this for faster hair growth.

#4 Don’t bleach your hair

Don't bleach your hair

If you are bleaching your roots every 2-3 weeks you drying your hair up. You are literally murdering your hair!

Bleach hair means having dry, brittle, and being prone to breakage hair.

If you absolutely want to go way lighter that you need to bleach it, don’t bleach your roots.

This causes your hair to be exposed to harsh chemicals right from the start. If you do decide to go really light, do so gradually.

Most hairstylists do this, but I had a hairstylist bleach my hair on the first go. My hair suffered for months! Remember we don’t just want long hair, we want long healthy hair.

#5 Avoid heating tools

Do heating tools stop hair growth

I am sure you have heard this countless times, but here another reminder. By using heating tools every day or most days, you are damaging your hair.

How you ask? Well, you are drying out your hair’s natural oils which result in brittle hair, causing lots of breakage.

Have you noticed that whenever you flat iron or curl your hair it looks really dry in the ends? The reason is that you are essentially frying it!

If you want to benefit from maximum hair growth then avoid using heating tools as much as you can.

Try to air-dry your hair after every wash, you may like how it dries, I do! I have heard good things about the IGK No more blow high speed air dry spray which is supposed to cut air drying time by 46%.  

You can use that spray to minimize the heat from the blow dryer on your hair if you don’t like the way your hair naturally dries. 

Also, try limiting your hair washes, if you are worried about a greasy scalp, learn how to wash your hair less. Here are some great tips to use dry shampoo.

Pro Tip: If you enjoy curling your hair, then do so at the beginning of the week.

Then curl some strands throughout the week to keep your hair styled while avoiding heating all of your hair.

Although it would be best to avoid heat as much as possible, this is a good place to start.

If you cant give up curling your hair but don’t want to apply heat, try this headband curl technique.  

I’ve done it and the curls don’t turn out too bad. You can also braid your hair while it’s slightly damped to create waves.

#6 Be careful how you brush your hair

How to grow out your hair

If you want your hair to grow out fast, then don’t be so rough with it when you brush it. Since you do this daily, it can leave you with lots of breakage and hair fallout.

Is your brush full of hair all the time? That is a sign that you are too rough with your hair.

When it comes to detangling your hair, start from the tips and work your self up to brushing down from your scalp. If you are confused then this is how to brush your hair.

This prevents one from having one monster tangle and brushing aggressively causing lots of damage.

Brushing your hair is not the only everyday thing you do that causes damage.

Putting your hair up in a pony, a bun, or braiding it can cause lots of damage too if you don’t do it right.

I also wrote a blog post for you to help with your hair tying mistakes.  

This has nothing to do with how cute your hair came out, and more on hair health. Yes, you should check it out.

#7 Don’t wash your hair every day,

How to grow your hair out

If you wash your hair every day then you are stripping your hairs natural oils resulting in dry, brittle hair. Instead of fast hair growth, you can expect the total opposite.

Try using a sulfate-free shampoo instead since sulfate strips away natural oils.

Washing your hair every day can actually cause more product buildup since we are applying fresh new products every day.

If you currently wash your hair every day and apply fresh hair product every time. Then you desperately need to exfoliate your scalp. Learn how to do so here.

I really like using Nexxus shampoo, I have noticed a huge difference in my hair loss.

I can count the strands of hair that fallout after I shower. It contains protein which helps strengthen the hair follicle.

If you are used to washing your hair every day then you will have to train your hair to be washed less frequently.

The more often you wash your hair, the more oil your hair produces to compensate for a dry scalp. Therefore if you skip a wash, your hair is an oily mess the next day.

Allowing a few days in between washes allows your natural oils to penetrate your hair and allows your hair to hydrate and repair itself.  

This is a good thing to do if you want to grow your hair fast naturally.

If your hair gets oily the next day then invest in a dry shampoo. Follow these tips to get the max benefits with your dry shampoo.

When you do wash your hair Rinse with cool water to help seal the cuticle and strengthen your hair, according to goodhousekeeping.

Shop the dry shampoo

#8 Take your vitamins!

Okay, now it’s time to learn what you should consume more of.

Take some vitamins that are specifically for hair, skin, and nails. These vitamins contain Biotin which is really good for hair growth. 

Vitamin C helps create collagen which is an important part of the hair structure.

Vitamin C also contains antioxidants which helps protect your hair from free radicals.  

It’s also a good idea to add some Vitamin E since it helps with overall scalp help.

Some hair, skin and nail vitamins I have tried and really liked are Vitafusion Gorgeous, hair, skin, and nails and Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails.

Shop the Products

Since we are in the subject of eating for hair growth. Hair follicles are made of mostly protein which is why it’s a good idea to consume more of it, such as eggs which also contain biotin.


These are some pretty simple and manageable tips you can start doing today.

Don’t expect to go from dry, dull, brittle hair to long, glowy, healthy-looking hair overnight.

This is especially true if your hair is in very bad condition.

This takes time, and if you are consistent and take the health of your hair seriously, your hair will grow. You got this babe.

Just be patient and before you know it you’ll have better hair than Repunzel. Let me know what you think down below.

How to make your hair grow faster takeaways

1. Get trims every few months to get rid of dead hair

2. Exfoliate your scalp to unplug your follicles to welcome new healthy hair

3. Massage your scalp to allow your natural oils to spread to your hair for natural moisture.

4. Don’t bleach your hair, this causes your hair to become dry and brittle, especially if the bleach is extreme and in one sitting

5. Avoid using heating tools on your hair every day. This causes your hair to become dry and promotes split ends

6. Be careful how you brush your hair. If you are too rough with your hair you are tearing your hair out and apart.

7. Don’t wash your hair every day, you are stripping your hair’s natural oils by doing this. When you don’t wash your hair, it becomes really oily to compensate

8. Take your vitamins for hair, skin, and nails to promote healthy hair.

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