How to get rid of frizzy hair

How to get rid of frizzy hair


Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but for some of us, it can mean having to deals with frizzy hair. Although for some of us, frizzy hair is a year-round occurrence! If you experience frizzy hair, then here are a few tips you must follow to have frizz-free hair.

Types of Frizzy hair

Did you know there are actually different types of frizz? You and I probably experience frizz very differently. What type of frizz do you experience?

Curls frizz

If you are blessed with curly hair then you also probably experience some frizz. You probably experience curls without any definition and with some frizz in them. This type of frizz occurs inside the curl.

Frizz at the ends

People who experience frizz at their ends is due to using too many heat tools or having your hair frequently dyed. Not sure if this is you? Well if your ends are dry and have straw like hair, then you my dear experience frizz at the ends of your hair. Luckily, you have an easy fix, more on that later.

Surface frizz

Hair has different layers and with surface frizz only the outer layer experiences it. How can you tell if you have surface frizz? Well if your hair looks like static, this is you.

Pouf ball frizz

This type of frizz makes your hair look poufy, duh. Your hair is neither curly, or even wavy nor straight. Unlike surface frizz, this type of frizz occurs throughout each layer of your hair.

How to treat frizzy hair

There are a few things you can do no matter the type of frizz you experience, but there are some tips that are specified for each type of frizz.

For curly frizz

Avoid using shampoo with sulfates or products that contain salt since this can dry out the hair. You want to add hydrating products instead. Although generally you shouldn’t be touching your hair, you should scrunch or twist it with your hands to help form the curl after you get out of the shower. After that, keep your hands away from your hair.

For frizz at the ends

If your frizz tends to be at the ends, then this advice is pretty obvious. Try to use heating tools less often. Or at the very least make sure to invest in a good heat protectant.

If you dye your hair often, you might want to cool it a bit until your hair is back on the healthier side. Thinking of going blonde? Do so in steps and not in one go since this will guarantee damaged frizzy hair.

Although your hair might be shorter than you would like, it is important to go get a haircut to get rid of the dry hair. Healthy hair is better than long hair. Don’t worry, you can grow your hair quite fast following these tips.

For surface frizz

Although your frizz just happens in the outer layer, you still want to focus on hydrating products and using sulfate-free shampoo.

For pouf ball frizz

If you experience this type of frizz then it is super duper important you brush your hair less. Brushing your hair too much can make your hair extremely frizzy.

Although this applies to every frizz type, it is especially important to wash your hair less often if you experience pouf ball frizz. Washing your hair too often will only dry out your hair and create more frizz. Washing your hair less can seem gross, but there are actually tons of benefits, like these for example.

Tips for every type of frizzy hair

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Are you struggling with frizzy hair? Take a look at these super easy tips you can do to get rid of frizz forever!
#HairCare #FrizzyHair #Frizz #SmoothHair #HairGoals #HealthyHair

Although we each experience different types of frizzy hair there are some rules we all need to follow.

#1 Get frequent haircuts. Having split ends can make your hair look even more frizzy. You want to cut your hair every couple of months to keep your hair healthy. If you don’t want to cut your hair because you want it to be long, then follow these tips.

#2 Ditch your towel. Don’t ever use a polyester towel to dry your hair, instead invest in a microfiber towel or at the very least a cotton t-shirt. Not only does it help with frizz, but it doesn’t damage your hair. If you are looking to improve the overall health of your hair, then here are the first things you should do.

#3 Stop touching your hair. Besides getting your hair greasier sooner, touching it will bring all the frizz back.

#4 Wash your hair less. Try to limit how often you wash your hair since your hair has natural oils that keep it moisturized. If you are washing your hair daily then you are drying your hair and creating more frizz. Are you afraid your hair will be a grease ball if you miss a day? Here is exactly how to wash your hair less while still looking cute.

#5 Hydrate your hair. It doesn’t matter what type of frizz you experience, if you experience it then you need to keep your hair hydrated. This is super important.

How to dry your hair to avoid frizzy hair

If you like to use a blow dryer to dry your hair, then a good tool to add to you blow drying is a diffuser!  Using a diffuser is also important if you have curly hair to keep the curls better intact. Make sure to blow dry your hair with the cool setting.

If you prefer using the heat setting, then finish with a blast of cold hair to achieve a smoother finish. Are you still experiencing frizz even with a diffuser? You probably have the heat setting too high for your hair.  If you prefer to towel dry it then use a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt like I mentioned before.

Products to shop for


Products to use for frizzy hair

Okay, so you have established the type of frizz your hair experiences and know a few tips to follow, great! What now? Well there are dozens of products out in the market for us to also help us manage our frizz.

Heat protectant

It really doesn’t matter if you experience frizz or not, you should apply a heat protectant before using a heat tool. This will prevent your hair from getting damage and prevent future frizz. See when you apply heating tools constantly then you are essentially frying your hair.

When you fry your hair you are creating split ends and in some cases start losing hair due to hair breakage. If you experience frizz at the ends of your hair and don’t plan on stopping using heating tools, you need to invest in a heat protectant now.

Heat protectants to shop for


Use shampoo for frizzy hair

The number 1 thing you should switch up is your shampoo since you use this a few times a week. Go to your restroom and check if your shampoo contains alcohol. Alcohol, as we all know, dries, and if you experience frizz you want to hydrate and moisturize.

Look for a shampoo that has glycerin, preferably somewhere up high in the ingredient list (the higher on the list, the higher the concentration). Glycerin is a great humectant and creates a protective coating on the strand. When looking for a shampoo look for one that is sulfate-free.

Sulfate is known to strip natural oils and dry your hair which results in frizz. You might be wondering what is the point of sulfate?  Well, the purpose of sulfate is to get rid of all the dirt and dead skin on your scalp.

A good way to clean and unclog your scalp is by exfoliating. If you are new to exfoliating your scalp, then read this before you give it a try.

Shampoos to shop for

Condition your hair

I mentioned before that you need to moisturize and hydrate your hair if you experience any type of frizz. One way to moisturize your hair is by applying conditioner. Look for a conditioner that is anti-frizz and apply it midshaft down for 4-6 minutes before rinsing.

Some people make the mistake of applying conditioner all over their head or just the ends for like a minute, yea, that’s benefiting no one. If you apply conditioner to your scalp it can weaken the hair follicle resulting in hair loss! I mean on the plus side you’ll have no hair left to frizz. I’m joking!

Conditioners to shop for

Hair mask for frizzy hair

If you are serious in taming your frizz, then investing in a hair mask is a must. Look for a moisturizing hair mask and apply it once a week to dry hair for 30 minutes before showering.

Look for a hair mask that contains oils, such as argan oil. This oil contains vitamin E and rich in fatty acids which helps coarse and dehydrated hair be soft and seal in moisture. Another oil to look out for is Macadamia oil which is ideals for those who experience frizz due to excessive styling tools.

Olive oil is known for instantly treating frizzy hair while adding shine and preventing dryness by sealing in moisture. The last oil I will mention is coconut oil since it is loaded with vitamins and minerals and is known to moisturize hair and seal it in. Here are a few great ways to use coconut oil in your hair.

Hair masks to shop for


Silk can help frizzy hair

Invest in silk products! Look for a silk pillowcase since it offers benefits for both your skin and hair. For your skin it prevents wrinkles and it prevents frizz for your hair while also maintaining sleek waves. Another great alternative is satin.

The reason is that silk helps retain moisture (which is a keyword for frizzy hair). It also doesn’t tug at your roots and create friction like other materials Don’t stop there, also invest in some really cute silk hair scrunchies since they don’t leave a crease when you put your hair up.

Silk products to shop for

If you get anything out of this, please let it be to keep your hair hydrated and moisturized to keep your hair frizz free! What are you doing to keep your frizz at bay? Comment below and let me know!

2 thoughts on “How to get rid of frizzy hair”

  • I am definitely a curly frizzy girl! I always use heat protectant but who knew drying it with a cotton t shirt helped!! Mind blown!!

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