Why you need to exfoliate your scalp

Why you need to exfoliate your scalp


Who loves spa days? I do, I do! It is absolutely the best. It is time to put on your favorite show or listen to your favorite music. Maybe turn on some candles while you forget about all of your responsibilities in life, ahh. You can go into the bathroom feeling meh about yourself and come out feeling more confident and beautiful than when you went in.

You take out your favorite mask, your body scrubs, your hair mask… but wait, something is missing. Your scalp! You have been forgetting about something very important! We put on a hair mask to have thick shiny hair, but it doesn’t always solve all our hair troubles. Well, I know what will, a scalp scrub! Yes, you have been definitely missing out.

If you are experiencing dull hair and itchy and flaky skin, it may be time to add another part to your beauty routine. Promise this is important! Treating your scalp and treating your hair are 2 completely different things. After you have exfoliated your scrub read my post on how to have healthy hair for the after exfoliating scalp steps.

Read down below why you wish you would have read this sooner!

What is a scalp scrub

A scalp scrub is pretty much like an exfoliator for the face or body meant to get rid of dead skin cells or product buildup. It comes in two form, a grainy form and in a serum or cream which is more of a chemical exfoliant.

The benefits to exfoliating your scalp

The one thing you are missing from your hair care routine Pinterest pin

Just like a scrub removes dead skin cells from your face and body, it does the same to your scalp. It also helps remove the buildup of products that you put on your hair.  Especially if you layer on dry shampoo, hairspray or other products multiple days before washing it.

Sometimes washing it with shampoo doesn’t get rid of the buildup on your scalp. Remember, treating your scalp and treating your hair are different things. Not only that but it also removes sweat and sebum (oil). A buildup of oil can result in dandruff or greasy, dull looking hair. Although a healthy amount of sebum is important since it makes your hair soft and shiny.

By exfoliating your scalp it helps stimulate and unclog hair follicles resulting in healthy hair. If your hair is not growing it could be because the hair follicles are clogged. When it comes to hair growth, this is an important step to follow.

If you are experiencing too many hairs on your brush (it is normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day) or your hair is thinning it could be due to a buildup of sebum or dandruff. The best thing to do is to exfoliate your scalp to give your hair follicles the opportunity to grow healthy and strong.

If you want thicker, shinier and less oily hair then you might want to invest in some products to exfoliate your scalp. The answer may not be in the product you are applying to your hair, but it might be in treating the area your hair grown from.

Who shouldn’t exfoliate their scalp?

According to Self, people with psoriasis, cuts, sores, infections, or eczema on the scalp should avoid exfoliating their scalp since this can lead to scalp flake formation. For those who do experience any of the above be very gentle when you are scrubbing your scalp.

How to exfoliate your scalp and how often

When it comes to exfoliating your scalp it is best to divide your hair into different sections to really get in there. This helps know what parts have been exfoliated to do a proper job.

Yes, it takes longer, but remember that this isn’t something you do daily. Now the frequency really depends on how sensitive your scalp is, and what the product calls for, but there shouldn’t be a need to do it more than twice a week.

If you are using a scrub then once you’re in the shower, after your hair is nice and wet grab the scrub and start massaging your scalp in a circular motion. Repeat this a few times and leave the product for 3 minutes. After a few minutes rinse your scalp and continue with your usual hair care routine.

Exfoliating your scalp with a brush

You can also exfoliate your scalp by using a brush to do the work, such as the Dry Scalp Paddle Brush for Hair. This brush isn’t solely meant to exfoliate your scalp since you can brush your hair with this brush as well. It is made out of bamboo and wooden bristles which don’t produce any static and helps spread your hairs natural oils for shinier hair, but it is also meant to exfoliate your scalp.

If you don’t want to mix your scalp brush with your hairbrush, then you should try this Hair Scalp Massager. This brush is meant more for massaging the scalp then brushing your hair, although you could. The soft silicones don’t irritate your scalp so you take your time to get rid of all that product buildup.

Most importantly it promotes blood circulation which increases hair growth, just like the previous product mentioned. Get rid of buildup and makes washing your hair much easier since you can use this to shampoo your hair as well. This is also ideal if you have a manicure since you are not using your nails to get the job done, so in a way you are extending your next appointment, score!

You can use this with wet or dry hair. If your scalp is dry get ready to be grossed out as you will see all the buildup coming out to play. Okay that sounds gross. After you exfoliate your scalp shampoo your hair and apply a conditioner like normal

Best DIY recipes to exfoliate your scalp

woman holding bowl to mix her DIY exfoliating ingredients

If you’re on a budget, but still want to treat your scalp I gotchu. Here is a very simple DIY exfoliator scrub recipe that only consists of 2 ingredients. All you need is 2 tbsp of your favorite condition and 4 tbsp of brown sugar. Massage it into your scalp for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.

If you want to go above and beyond then here is one with more ingredients. The first thing would be to add 1tbsp of coconut oil, this adds moisture to your hair. Next would be adding a scrub such as sugar to buff out all the buildup you have accumulated, add about 2 tbsp. To lift the impurities from your hair and add some moisture add 1tsp of apple cider vinegar.

You can add a few drops of essential oil like rosemary or tea tree oil for extra benefits and voila! Massage the scrub in a circular motion and rinse! Follow up with your favorite shampoo and conditioner and you’re done!

Best store bought scalp exfoliators

If you don’t have time to whip up your own DIY exfoliating scalp scrub then invest in one. Don’t let this be an excuse for not exfoliating your scalp. Don’t worry you don’t have to spend half your days work for a scalp scrub, this L’Oréal Paris EverFresh Micro-Exfoliating Scrub won’t break the bank and it will get the work done. It is sulfate-free so as a result, it won’t strip your hair of its natural oils.

If you just got your paycheck and want to splurge on yourself then try R+Co Crown Scalp Scrub. This scalp scrub will bring cleanse, detox, and rebalance your scalp. whether you have sensitive or oily skin this scrub will work on your scalp.

This scrub is full of nutrients and vitamins for your hair. First of all, it has aloe barbadensis leaf extract which will add strength, luster, and retain moisture to your hair. It also contains passion flower extract which contains vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that promote healthy hair and scalp.

It also contains mango fruit extract which contains vitamins and antioxidants that help softens and smooth hair. Lastly, it contains ginger root extract to soften and add shine to hair.

In conclusion

Although exfoliating your scalp is crucial to your hair care routine, it isn’t the only thing you should do for beautiful hair. After all, if we want to look beautiful we have to constantly put some effort. 

We don’t always have the time or let’s be honest, energy to always look our best. Check out my post on how to have healthy hair with things you use and do every day and how to simplify your skincare routine to still treat your skin when you don’t really want to.


1. a scalp exfoliator is just like a face or body scrub. It is meant to get rid of dead skin cells or product buildup.

2. Exfoliating your scalp unclogs pores, gets rid of product buildup which will give you more hair growth, shiny hair, and thicker hair.

3. Don’t exfoliate your scalp if you suffer from psoriasis, eczema, cuts etc.

4. Exfoliate your scalp by massaging the product in a circular motion. You can also use a brush specifically meant for exfoliating the scalp.

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